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Ave Azul de la Osa

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Conservation News
Fun Facts – A plural of Animals

Of course we have all heard of a pack of wolves and a pod of Whales,but have you ever heard of....
A clutch of Eggs...
A siege of Herons..
A shoal of Anchovies..
A soard of Mallards..
A sounder of Warthogs..
A shiver of Sharks..
A sprig of Teal..
A bloat of Hippos..
A company of Widgeon..
A cast of Hawks..
A covey of Quail..
A bevy of Partridges..
A muster of Peafowl..
A mob of Kangaroos..
A desert of Lapwings..
A wisp of Snipe..
A leap of Leopards..
A pride of Lions..
A building of Rooks..
A gaggle of Geese..
A skein of Swans.
A chattering of Choughs.
A sloth of Bears..
A slime of Slugs..
A watch of Nightingales..
A clan of Hyenas..
A spiral of Swallows..
A holt of Otters..
A smash of Jellyfish..
And my personal favorites...
A crash of Rhino.
A murder of Crows..
A round of Rays..
A raft of Crocodiles..
A gang of kookaburras..
A squadron of Coaties..
An army of caterpillars...
A chattering of chickens...
A dazzle of zebras...
A flamboyance of flamigos..
A flutter of butterflies..
An intrusion of cockroaches..
A kindle of kittens...
A mischief of mice...
A parliament of owls...
A quiver of cobras...
A rhumba of rattlesnakes...
A scurry of squirrels...
A shrewdness of apes...
A congress of baboons..
A bunch of bats...
A creich of penguins...
A measure of magpies....
And everyone’s fave...A pile of money !